Grievance Redressal Cell

The Grievance Redressal Cell is formed to inculcate a responsive and answerable mind-set among all the stakeholders which will ensure harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute. It endows the students with a platform to articulate their grievances straight from the shoulder, without any fear of being victimized. It guarantees transparency in all college related activities, including admission, academic matters, financial matters, health services, library, and co curricular and extracurricular activities. As candid suggestions are invited from the students for perfection, the students get a sense of participation in problem solving and get an opportunity to clear misunderstandings or false notions. Moreover the college authorities take care to restructure policies in the light of grievances. “The Grievance Redressal Cell, thus become” instrumental in upholding the dignity of the college by providing strife free atmosphere in the College and by promoting cordial student-student relationship and student-teacher relationship.  Grievances related to activities and other allied non-academic matters will be sorted out by the primary level by the staffs of the college. Every department has a grievance cell led by the head of the department. Student’s complaints are addressed to the head of the concerned department and he will consider the grievance and issues the order. If the students are not satisfied with decision of the head of the department he/she can file an appeal to the principal. Principal will –pass the complaints to the grievance redressal cell. Serious issues are discussed in the meetings of the redressal cell and the rest are sorted out in an informal manner. Student’s feedback about teaching is collected regularly and forms the basis for quality improvement. Since the PG and UG courses are semesterised, continuous Assessment has been made compulsory. Any complaint/grievances on the granting of credits under CCSS are also dealt with by the cell. However, under special circumstances the college council sets up special bodies to resolve serious issues that affect students and college.

To submit your grievances online, Click here



Chairman – Dr. Ajith M.S., Principal

Convener: Dayanandan K, Assistant Professor in Malayalam